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About A.J.Lark...

A. J. Lark lives in lots of places. He enjoys traveling, having adventures, and making new friends. A. J. Lark is not his real name. It is a pen name, a pretend name, he uses when writing books. He is a father, a grandfather, a writer, and a teacher. He loves learning with children and writing for children.

I chose 'Lark' for my pen name because of the bird called the lark. You can see the picture of the lark at the top of this page.

The lark is an early morning bird. It has a beautiful song. I wake up early and love to write in the quiet of the morning. I want my writing to be a beautiful ‘song’ for you to enjoy.

About The Lark...

About My Writing...

The Pirate's Hideout was written with the help of children I was teaching at that time. At night, I would write a few chapters, and the next day at school I would read the chapters to them. The children would tell me what they liked and what they didn't like. Then, I would go home and re-write the story based on what they had told me. We had a lot of fun and it was a wonderful experience for me as a writer.

How many books are in the Pirate’s Cove series?

There are three books in the Pirate's Cove series. The Pirate’s Hideout is the first book. The second book, The Pirate’s Riddle, will be published early in 2024. The third book, The Pirate’s Treasure, will be published later in 2024.

Where do you get the ideas for your stories?

The idea for The Pirate's Hideout came from talking with the children I was teaching at that time. I asked them what they liked to read about in stories, and decided to write a book for them about those things.

Do you write about real people and real events in your stories?

No. I do get ideas from real-life, but the characters and events in my books are made up.

How can I be a good writer?

Go to the ‘Ideas’ page for some tips on how to be a good writer.

About The Questions...

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