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As a teacher and a writer, children often ask how can they get better at writing. It's really not that difficult. There are lots of things you can do to become a better writer. Here are a few ideas.

It's so much easier when you write about things you know or things you find interesting or enjoyable.

Write What You Know

Play With Words

When you are playing with building blocks e.g. Lego or K’nex, you take all these individual blocks and put them together to make something. The same blocks can be put together in different ways to make different things. Writing is like that. The ‘blocks’ you are playing with are words. You can take the same group of words and put them together in different ways to make different sentences and tell different stories. Have fun and enjoy!

If you want to become better at playing the guitar or the piano, you need to practice. If you want to become better at playing basketball, or swimming, you need to practice. It's the same with writing. If you want to become a better writer, you need to write, write, and write again. The more you write, the better you will get at writing.

Write Often

Write Quickly

When you first start writing a story, get the ideas from your head down onto paper or onto the computer screen as fast as you can. Write while you are feeling excited about the story. When you are writing your first draft of the story, don't worry about mistakes you might be making e.g. spelling or grammar. When you have finished the first draft, you can go back and check for mistakes and fix them. What's most important, is that you get your ideas down while they are fresh, you are excited about them, and you know where you want your story to go.

Ask your teacher, a parent, or someone you know who enjoys writing, how you can make your writing better. It's a great idea to listen to, and learn, from others.

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AJ Lark

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